Broadways denver gay bar

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I used to stop by two or three times a week after work and was often greeted by friendly atttentive staff (Odie, Scotty, Buddy and the like) who tried hard to make this tavern more than just a place to have a beer or two. The best thing that could happen would be for her to drop the price and sell it to someone who understands what it takes to run a neighborhood tavern.

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I am furious that I am having to take my time to go through all these steps and refuse to stop until proper action is taken against the bar for the processing of the charge I did not sign nor authorize, and for the bartender being drunk.Īs most of the other reviews commented the owners (Melanie) especially are not well liked. There was no manager on sight.just one drunk bartender. I disputed it with the bank, and am looking for the liquor board so I can put in a complaint with them. Today the $63 charge posted to my account. We left cash for the drinks and I signed nothing taking my charge slip and receipt with me. He said not to worry about it and tried to give me $15 of his tips. I even thought for a moment he was going to start crying. The bartender was flusterred and confused. We asked for the break down receipt and it was obvious it belonged to the only other group of people in the bar.

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The bartender was drunk really drunk and when I asked to cash out my tab was $63. I used my credit card to open a tab and my friend and I went in and had two drinks $8.

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